Lyon Confluence 1

Lyon, France 

Lyon Confluence 1

Lyon, France 


In 2000, it was decided to replace the initial idea of establishing a single park for Lyon's Confluence neighborhood, with a “park system” that would run alongside the Saône river, with branches into the interior fleshing out the whole of the site. There were two fundamental reasons for this decision. The first relates to the slowness and difficulties involved in the transformation of large infrastructure sites, the staggered timeframe in which the various plots of land become free. Parts of the overall park system, whether meant to be permanent or temporary, could be slowly put in place, accompanying the evolution of the landscape and construction sites. Apart from along the riverbank, however, this new configuration could not be implemented during the first phase of work. The second reason relates to more than just an enhancement of the park's feasibility. For if the idea of a park in branches is easier to bring to fruition, its main interest lies in closely uniting together the space of the park with built spaces. In collaboration with the project managers, a range of plants linked to the colors of the water and of the city, just like the range of ground materials to be used, was gradually decided upon.    

2000 to 2004
Urban strategies, Parks

SPL Lyon Confluence 

Project Team:

MDP Michel Desvigne Paysagiste
François Grether, Architecte – Urbaniste (lead consultant)


150 ha (370 acres)