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Parc Floral de Bordeaux entrée sud
This prototype, completed within the framework of the official landscape guidelines established for the city of Bordeaux, responds to two objectives. First and foremost, we were tasked with the...
Bordeaux charte des paysages
If the major public spaces of the city of Bordeaux's center had been the subject of dramatic transformations (construction of the quays and accompanying features for the tramway), its general...
Bordeaux rive droite
The right bank of the Garonne River, long occupied by factories that are gradually changing and moving away, is quite different from the left bank, which features the historic city and the former...
BORDEAUX, îlot des Mareyeurs
Winter gardens in an office building
Present and future redevelopment projects in the Marne/Saint-Jean neighborhood of Bordeaux aim to weave together the area’s peripheral...
The Quai de Brazza, despite being destined for cars, was always envisioned as a densely planted roadway, an integral part of the Parc aux Angéliques opening out to the area’s new...