Located around twenty kilometers from Mumbai, the new city of Palava, with a population of 300,000, plans to build a center for the arts and culture. The new building and park area, situated on opposite sides of a road, will be set up upon plots of land of equal dimension (175 by 175 meters, amounting to around three hectares each). The entirety of the first plot will be developed into a square-shaped pool, upon whose vast stretch of water the Renzo Piano designed cultural centre will stand.
The park will be created on the second plot, an abandoned quarry whose former excavations serve in naturally channeling the runoff water to the center where a pool is formed. Paradoxically, these past excavations provide the elements of a naturalistic composition, which the park project aims not at diminishing but bringing further into relief by its juxtaposition with the geometry of the architectural framework.
In this way, two distinct landscaped configurations frame the park's central pool, meeting at its edges.
On the side where the plot meets the road, a large rectilinear foundation will serve as the base for the museum rooms. From here, series of stairs descend to a terrace, forming a kind of Indian ghat along the body of water. Meanwhile, the organizing architectural concept continues to extend itself, taking shape in lateral pathways and pontoons, before coming to rest at irregular intervals against the diverse cliff-like topographical elements encountered on the plot's far side.
The width and dimensions of the terraces and quays along this topographical side will vary continuously, following upon one another alongside the uneven edges. At times this edge will narrow to just a small, tapered pathway above the cliffs. At other times, in contrast, the edge will suddenly expand in dimension, flowing into space like a broad flat boulder. This high plateau area is planted with an afforestation whose irregularity conceals the planting framework underlying it.
Despite the small-scale size of the plot, through foregrounding the play that takes place between geometry and topography, a perceptible increase in the number of spaces encountered results, with the possibilities of spatial experience multiplying. In terms of structure, the miniaturized geography becomes more easily recognizable, joined in proportion to the architecture of the cultural center.
MDP Michel Desvigne Paysagiste
RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop
3 ha